Unofficial Intro to India Pages

Here's the deal:
I am a student in History 168, otherwise known as Introduction to the Civilization of India. I'm just a student. I've created this site as part of my discussion section presentation. I guess I probably could have done five minutes on Asoka and been done with it, but nooooooo. . . Anyway, here it is, in all it's unofficial, unsponsored, unsupported, uncensored, and uncontrolled glory.

If I were a law student, this disclaimer would absolve me from all my sins, both in this life and in all previous and future. But I'm not, so it is here to make sure that you understand that this web site is not associated in any official way with the History 168 class, the History Department, the Anthropology Department, the Computer Science Department, the Department of Defense, my Apartment, the University of Illinois, the State of Illinois, the United States of America, the United Nations, or anybody else with deep pockets.

I am hoping that this site may be of use to you as you study for the final exam (in History 168 which is no way connected with this site). If it is, great! If not, don't come cry'n to me, and especially don't go cry'n to anybody at the University.

This site carries no guarantees, expressed or implied. It may not be suitable for minors, majors, or post-docs. Void where prohibited. Batteries not included. Frivolous lawsuits suck. Life isn't fair, so get used to it. Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to your health. This site makes no claims to being politically, grammatically, or ergonomically correct. Use at your own risk. Don't call us we'll call you. Yada yada yada . . .


Questions or comments? Send e-mail to Chris Sims